Saturday, January 9, 2010

Achieving Higher Levels of Spirituality in Psychic Development

"How do we reach higher levels of spirituality?" This is the question that I am asked most in my practice. In order to reach higher levels of spirituality we need to throw out limiting ideas and concepts of spirituality as well as the way we look at the higher sources- God/Goddess/Universe/All That Is.

Spirituality is not just a connection to religion, faith or beliefs. Rather, it is an actual way of living, of integrating goodness into our personal, professional and business life. Spirituality is treating other souls with compassion, kindness, respect, acceptance, integrity, and honesty.

When spirituality is integrated into our personal, professional and business lives and we actually live spiritually, our souls advance to higher levels. These levels include awareness of three gifts given by the Higher Sources or Universe. We are all gifted in these three areas and we all use these talents at one point or another.

These spiritual gifts are creative abilities, spiritual abilities in wisdom, knowledge and understanding as well as psychic abilities. All three of these abilities lie within each one of us. Many of us use them. Many of us don’t realize we have them, so these gifts lie dormant within. Some of us are afraid or skeptical of these abilities, yet in time we often begin to realize it is normal to have these gifts.

As we advance in one of these gifts, the other two advances also. One will not advance without the other two. Many times we use these gifts but do not admit to them, or we call them by other names. When we use our psychic ability, for example, we often call it gut instinct or intuition. Whatever name we use, it is the same concept.

Many individuals won’t use the word psychic because of the image, or stigma associated with it. Whether we choose to admit and accept it or not, being psychic, spiritual and creative is within each of us. We don't see individuals having problems with the word "creative", but they often do with the words "spiritual" and "psychic". It is interesting what we often choose to accept or oppress.

In my workshops and lectures I tell students that spiritual development is the recognition, development and use of each of these three gifts in a responsible manner with understanding and wisdom.

The key to spiritual advancement is to advance all three of these areas and work in unity with other like-minded souls.

The time is coming when these gifts will no longer lie dormant and will be abundantly found and used worldwide. We can fully develop our gifts, being responsible for our actions, words and deeds.

Full development comes with practice and exercise. Prayer and meditation, connecting to the Higher Source, is our vehicle for advancement. Acceptance of abilities and gifts, along with trust in how to develop and use them in a responsible manner, is part of the key to growth.

Spirituality of being psychic is nothing to be ashamed of. It is not something that should be hidden away, for fear of ridicule, from those who don’t understand this deep form of spirituality, creativity and psychic abilities.

If we allow fear to control us, we will not advance and may block connections to the Higher Source. Blockage in one area can also affect the chakras that are within and outside of our body. When these areas are blocked, we may experience bad karma, and we often go through a period of learning hard lessons.

We must accept these situations, learn from them and grow, going beyond to the next point of advancement. In this way we are helping to unblock the chakras. We must look deep into why we are carrying fear or blockage. Is someone trying to guide us and assist us to realize that our actions, deeds or words toward ourselves or others may be wrong or hurtful?

To advance spiritually, psychically and creatively we must take the time needed for advancement. I recommend setting up a specific time if possible at least two times a day, morning and afternoon, to practice, meditate, pray or even chant. Make sure your phone, children, etc. do no interrupt you. Going to a quiet spot outside in nature can be revitalizing. If you can't get out, go to a room that is reserved for your personal time and needs. Allow at least 20-30 minutes.

When you begin to open your chakras and connect with energy, you must allow time for the positive energy flow to come in and fill your body throughout, reaching every chakra, every organ and every nerve. As you allow this positive energy flow to fill you, and you open your body chakras, the higher and lower chakras outside of the body open allowing Higher Sources and universal knowledge to come through. It takes time and practice, but as you do this you will find your body, soul and mind responding in a positive manner. You will feel calm, at peace and energized. All blockages will be gone and you will be ready to take on life, its forces and situations with a positive attitude.

As you advance take time to be a teacher. Share your information, knowledge and expertise with others but never stop learning or being a student and accepting other information and knowledge that may be different from your own.
We can reach out; opening our minds and our hearts, letting our souls breathe. We can let go and allow God and the Universe assist to us in our development.

In our personal and professional lives, the Golden Rule applies-treat and respect others as we ourselves want to be treated and respected. When we practice our spirituality in our daily lives we find many answers to questions and problems in a timely manner. We will intuitively know the right information to assist us in each situation. ~

Rose Schwab is a world renowned clairvoyant psychic medium and professional consultant expert.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Can You Learn Psychic Abilities?

If you are someone who is interested in metaphysics and if you have a strong interests in clairvoyance and in understanding things that cannot yet be quantified, you may have asked yourself whether you can learn psychic abilities The truth of the matter is that there are many schools of thought on this subject and that very few of them agree with each other

If you are someone who is interested in metaphysics and if you have a strong interests in clairvoyance and in understanding things that cannot yet be quantified, you may have asked yourself whether you can learn psychic abilities. The truth of the matter is that there are many schools of thought on this subject and that very few of them agree with each other.

While some groups say that psychic abilities are definitely something that anyone could learn, there are undoubtedly others that believe that it is impossible. To come to an opinion yourself, there are a number of things that you need to keep in mind.

In the past, psychic abilities were thought to be the realm of those who had been touched by some sort of mystical force. In Europe, extra sensory abilities were thought to be something that might have come from contact with something evil, while in some cases, they were thought to have come from direct contact with something holy. In India, psychic abilities were thought to be something that might manifest when someone reached a certain level of peace and discipline. These abilities were evidenced in people who had purified themselves and, to some extent, had ascended above the normal order of humans.

On the other hand, there are many people these days who insist that psychic abilities are the heritage of all people and that with the right training, anyone can learn about them and how to manipulate them. One school of thought states that in the ancient past, all people where psychic, but that for one reason or another, the ability withered and declined. Others will state that all people have psychic abilities but that they tend to dismiss them as being coincidences or simple intuition.

One example of possible psychic abilities is something that has likely happened to you. Have you ever thought about someone that you have not heard of in a long time and then received word of them or notice of what they are doing a few days later? There are definitely people who will point to this as a flash of psychic ability, something that happens when things are right and when you brain is in the right place to perceive them. Similarly, there are many people who get a feeling that they should stay in for the evening or that they should take a different route home. This may be another example of a sixth sense warning you of danger.

When you are thinking about moving forward and looking at the psychic world, you will find that there are many things that you need to consider. Something that you need to think about is that it might be closer than you think and that psychic abilities might be something that you yourself can learn. Consider what you think about psychic abilities and see what your conclusions might be. Are you someone who has noticed that you have more lucky guesses than not, and have you ever thought about someone only to have them call over the next few days? If so, it might be something that you need to look into! ~

Keith Ward is the Founder and Director of the Circle of Professional Clairvoyants, which offers Psychic Readings with fully qualified Psychic Readers and Senior UK Clairvoyants.

Try a Free Psychic Reading today!

Friday, January 1, 2010

How to Use Psychic Suggestion to Achieve Your Goals

One of the secrets of successfully achieving your objectives in life is to set and work towards meaningful goals. To reach them you must know the exact steps that you need to take, set out a definite plan of action, and work your plan in a positive and consistent manner. You will then be a long way along the road to the life you desire.

However to truly attain the things you want in your life there is something else that is essential to your success. You must convince your subconscious mind of the desire that you have to do so.

Your subconscious contains masses of data that has been acquired based on your experiences in life so far and it has an enormous influence on your actions in the way it uses it. There are many hidden factors that you have been unknowingly been conditioned to believe that can be used by your subconscious to form barriers to your success. So you must act to counter them.

You must ensure that your focus is upon the right things and so feeding your mind with information on topics relating to your goals will help you towards their attainment by ensuring that those subjects are at the forefront.

One of the ways of doing so is through Psychic Suggestion.

This involves totally immersing yourself during your waking hours in things relating to the subject you wish to focus on. It is particularly important in the hours before bedtime because as you sleep your mind will be processing the information absorbed throughout the day. Your subconscious may also express in dream form aspects relating to your goals and how you can achieve them.

Some of the things you can do are:

- Read books, magazines and articles about the subject.

- Watch films or DVDs on the topic.

- Research your subject on the internet

- Study maps or photographs if it relates to a particular place.

- Examine photographs or old letters or diaries relating to someone you may wish to focus upon.

- If your goal is related to money then read financial newspapers or magazines.

- For health matters read or research in the various media already mentioned but also look at yourself in the mirror and focus on the relevant area.

- To confront your hopes or fears study the subject concerned and maybe read about other people that have conquered it or have achieved similar goals.

- Read and study motivational and personal development products.

Try to think of all the ways you can of getting totally absorbed in your topic. The more facts and information you can feed into your mind the greater the chance of discovering those life changing pointers. Then very soon you will find that working towards your goals becomes so much more fruitful. ~

Tony Hall runs his own business dedicated to helping individuals develop their personal and business skills. You can learn more about how to develop your own life skills and get your complimentary copy of "The Process of Success" by signing up for his weekly newsletter at:

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