Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to Read Tarot Cards For Fun

Many people are curious about reading Tarot cards for their friends and family. Once you have a deck of Tarot cards, it is only natural to want to use them with others. After experiencing the insight that Tarot cards can give you, anyone would certainly understand that you would want to share this with the people in your life.

When reading for others, there are some things you'll want to keep in mind. The purpose of reading for other people is to share your love of the Tarot cards and to offer them some insights, just as you have received them by reading the Tarot cards for yourself. Keeping these tips in mind will help make reading for others in your life go smoothly and make reading fun.

Begin reading for other people you are comfortable around. This may sound like a very logical thing to do, however there are some that will actually do a Tarot reading when someone says to them, "Oh, Tarot? That's nonsense....well; let's see what you can do!" This is not the best atmosphere for even a professional Tarot reader to read under, let alone a beginning Tarot reader. Make your first readings for others are ones for family, friends and people who are genuinely interested in the Tarot. Trust your judgment that these be people who are kind and supportive types.

Let the person begin the Tarot reading by proposing a question. Your Tarot reading begins always with the querent giving a question they would like the reading to focus on. Let the person you are reading come up with the question. Sometimes when we read our family and friends, this means that they want to look into some life issue that may seem tiresome to us but is very close to this person's heart.

When reading for others it is important to respect people's feelings. Every question should be treated with respect. Most Tarot questions work best if they are simply phrased and to-the-point. The Tarot question is ideal when it focuses on one issue. When the querent wants to ask about an additional issue, suggest you do a second Tarot reading for that question.

Give the Tarot cards to the person to shuffle. This puts the querent's energy into the Tarot cards. When you are reading Tarot, this is a very common practice to have the person asking the question shuffle the cards for awhile. It is also fun and makes them feel like a part of the reading. Try not to criticize the way they shuffle your Tarot cards unless they are doing something that might damage your Tarot cards. Many people are not used to handling Tarot cards; suggest they shuffle them, just as they would playing cards.

Trust your intuition to guide the Tarot reading. The Tarot is full of symbolism and other information that will give you a reading for any question that you ask. Trust your own intuition when looking at the cards. You may feel inspired to say something different even though a card's interpretation according to the book means something a little different. This is quite common with Tarot readers and simply means you are connecting with the Tarot cards in your own personal way. Everyone has their own personal way of reading Tarot and as you read for others, you'll discover yours.

Don't make predictions about death, medical or legal issues. Most professional Tarot card readers will not touch these issues with a ten-foot pole. It is advisable that you not do Tarot readings for these issues either. When someone asks you to look into why they get headaches, encourage them to see a medical professional.

People may ask you other questions that make you uncomfortable you don't have to try to answer them. Simply say politely, "I don't think I can answer that one." Don't say you can't get the answer "right now" or they'll try to get you to read the issue later on. When you speak to them, be kind, friendly and polite. Do not let them "box" you into doing a reading that makes you uncomfortable in any way.

Try not to take criticisms or comments about your Tarot readings too much to heart. Some people may criticize your Tarot readings and this can hurt your feelings. Other people may praise you nearly to the heavens, making you out to be some amazing oracle type of person. Don't let this inflate your ego either. Focus instead on your love of the Tarot cards and continue reading them for pure enjoyment.

The person who loves Tarot most often runs into both of these types of people during their reading experiences. You don't want to let either of them ruin your experience with Tarot cards. When reading Tarot cards, be kind and respectful of others and even if your readings are not perfect they will be the best you can do.

Reading the Tarot for others can be fun, entertaining and quite enjoyable. Having respect for other people and also the Tarot is critical. Once you become skilled at this, it is also a great way to earn additional income. ~

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Ways to Unleash The Psychic In You

You are psychic. You can use your psychic awareness to improve your daily life and you can share your psychic gift by helping others! How do I begin?

Tip #1

Connect to Intention. Dr Wayne Dyer is a great inspiration to me. I love his book, "The Power of Intention". Through intention, I created an affirmation that I suggest you write down on a 3 X 5 card and read upon rising in the morning and before going to sleep at night to imprint this goal into the unconscious part of your mind. The affirmation is "Every day, I am becoming more and more psychic".

Tip #2

You have to believe that you are psychic. When I first began psychic reading, I wondered if I was making up the information for my clients. I thought that perhaps I had a wild imagination! Fear would creep in for me because I wanted to get it right. Internally I felt paralyzed when I shared the things I was seeing, hearing, feeling. I focused on accessing the quality of TRUST. I connected to the small quite voice within that said "Joanna, it's okay, give the information and all will turn out well." When I heard the other voice "You're making it up. Don't say it, you'll look stupid!"

Tip #3

PRACTISE! PRACTISE! PRACTISE! The way I overcame my fear was to keep psychic reading. After each reading, I received confirmation that the information was correct. The more I read, the more confident I became and so now over 1,000 psychic readings later, I still hear the voice of doubt inside however the voice of trust is more strongly developed inside me. I acknowledge the voice of doubt and I do not follow its instruction. Do not give up, the psychic pathway is a rich and rewarding experience!

Tip #4

Open your heart and your mind to being a receiver. Visualize the top of your head as a "radio antennae" that can pick up psychic transmissions through the airwaves. Radio waves are invisible to the human eye yet we know they exist or how would we hear people and music on the radio? Let your senses pick up on the unseen energies that exist around you.

Tip #5

Breathe! I cannot stress this enough. As you awaken your psychic senses, you will notice that you become more sensitive. You may experience these feelings because your mind, body and soul will be attracting more energy than it is used to feeling. By the simple action of deep focused breaths, you will clear any excess energy enabling you to remain calm and centered.

Tip #6

Meditation! I do some form of meditation every day. You may like to try a guided meditation CD to help you focus. Many of my clients have told me that they find it hard to sit, be still and meditate, too many thoughts arise for them and they feel bad that they cannot be perfect at meditation. There is no such thing as a perfect meditation! You could try "Soul Abundance" my guided meditation CD. It takes you on a powerful inner journey through visualization that will definitely heighten your psychic senses!

Tip #7

Listen! Do you notice how much inner chatter is constantly active inside your head? Are you aware of the thoughts you are having? I suggest you practice active listening. It is amazing how this simple action brings your focus inwards. As you hear your thoughts, observe them, do not judge. You will be able to assess how positive or negative your thoughts are and that you can have positive and negative occur simultaneously. This exercise will better prepare you for clairaudience, known as the ability of psychic listening.

Tip #8

Focus! Do you find yourself easily distracted? Are you fully conscious and aware in your environment right now? Focus upon being present in your environment. Observe what surrounds you. Listen to the multitude of sounds. Feel how the air touches your skin. Close your eyes for a moment and watch from an inner stance the activity that is occurring within you. With this knowledge, your psychic ability will strengthen!

Tip #9

Tone "Om" several times or sing your favorite songs in the shower. This is an excellent way to clear the body of any blocked energy. Not only does it open the throat chakra for psychic reading, you will fine tune your energy field in preparation for receiving psychic information effortlessly from your guides!

Tip #10

Exercise! The more psychic you become, the more energy is channeled through your body. Yoga is a wonderful way to release any blockages from your mind, body and soul. When I started the practice of yoga, it opened my third eye, the space between my eyebrows to clairvoyance meaning to see things psychically. I would see colors dancing in my inner vision. It was amazing! You can do it to! ~

Madame Figaro Magazine chose Joanna Garzilli as "The psychic to see in Los Angeles". She has given over 1,000 successful psychic readings including celebrity Goldie Hawn. Joanna shares her insider psychic secrets in "Synchronicity News" a FREE bi-monthly ezine. Learn more

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Seven Tips To Your Own Psychic Readings

Psychic readers have the ability to use a large part of their mind and spirit to sense energy. This increased ability to perceive naturally allows them to have a greater awareness of circumstances. It is an increase in perception. The sensing of positive and negative energy is a very useful skill to have in life. Getting a reading is great, but it is also great if you can become your own psychic reader.

Famous psychics over the centuries have shown us the way. Edgar Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet, even said that someday all people we be able to vision and perform readings like him. Evolution is constantly unfolding.

We can grow our psychic reading skills. These days there is much help available in the form of associations, blogs, psychic development circles, and people who are already far on the psychic path. Here are some tips if you wish to become your own psychic reader.

1. Lifestyle Factors. Famous psychics like Edgar Cayce have given us many clues on lifestyle. The way we live our lives creates an auric resonance that we carry with us. This auric field is pure energy. Living a good life, assisting our fellow man, and viewing Christ as a beautiful lifestyle to follow are wonderful aids. This firm foundation is essential for psychics because as they are given more gifts they need to be able to handle more and more energy in a positive way.

2. Decide. If some of the psychic personal development appeals to you why not get involved with improving yourself? Each of us has the universal life force inside of us wanting to express itself. Inner growth leads to outer growth.

3. Visualization. The image making powers of the mind are truly wonderful. Psychic information often comes through in the form of images and mental pictures. By conscious use of visualization we develop this faculty of the mind as it gets some practice. When a reading is performed it will be there to serve us.

4. Imagination. Imagination is essential to become a psychic reader. When seeking guidance from a higher power it is used to view the highest good for all. It is a blessing to assist someone suffering in real life then use the imagination to view them with a vibrant and happy lifestyle. It does much good for the person suffering. This is where our mind use of imagination comes into play.

5. Divine Intelligence. The divine intelligence, or higher forces, is always available to assist those who work for the highest good of all. Ask for guidance if you wish. Keep it positive and pray. The results might surprise you.

6. Live it. Now that you have made up your mind to become your own psychic reader begin to, step by step, put your psychic development plan into action. If you have enrolled in a meditation course go and do it, if you have said to yourself you will only associate with people of certain good qualities go and do it. These positive actions start to build a wave of positive energy. This energy then goes forward into your life.

7. Fun. Have lots of fun. Sing, dance, feel the joy of living. Becoming your own psychic reader is enjoyable and fun. You are developing more of your mind and soul, and the universal higher intelligence celebrates in this fact. ~

Visit the blog on How To Be Your Own Psychic Reader. Get information on Manifesting, Reiki, Meditation, Personal Development Plans, and living a better life. Visit

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Psychic Dreams

A little while ago, I went to the library to check out some books. I’ve been reading a lot of modern books lately so I decided to change it up and see if there were any older books that I could find. On the fifth floor, in an empty aisle where no one was close by, one book struck out at me. In barely readable, faded golden letters, the book was called The Psychic Side of Dreamsby Hanz Holzer. I pulled the little book out of the shelf and took a look at it. It was just a plain midnight blue cover; the red binding, torn. I opened it up and the first thing I saw was the copyright date – 1976, a decade before I was even born. I decided to check the book out, even though the book was old, I didn’t see why I should disregard it.

Up until now, I have really enjoyed the book. It sort of has a mysterious fashion about it, written in a very old, formal way by an author who had spent 15 years of his life collecting stories of people’s dreams as research. The book so far has inspired me to write the last three introductions about dreams. In the following, I would like to share some true stories from the book that I thought were pretty… “eye-opening” to me. They are stories of people who have had prophetic dreams, in which they would dream about a vision first, then it would unfold in reality later after they woke up. Again, as this book is somewhat old, most of occurrences have happened in the mid-1950’s, but as you read them, you may find some of these dreams quite interesting.

Case Examples of Prophetic Dreams

1. “Mrs. Elaine F. of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, had a dream in 1969, in which she saw a group of people having a party. They seemed like girl scouts to her and she herself was off in the trees looking on, while the group was celebrating. Suddenly some people came out of nowhere and began killing the “girl scouts.” The killers were dressed in black and had bushy hair. In the dream she was particularly frightened by the eyes of the leader, who she saw clearly. When she awoke the following morning, she described the scene and how she had seen blood running from the wounds of the victims. Ten days later the Sharon Tate murders broke into the headlines. As soon as Mrs. F. saw a picture of Charles Manson in the newspaper, she recognized him as the man she had seen in her dreams earlier” (Holzer 42-43).

2. “In the summer of 1958, Mr. Glover dreamt he was sleeping in a tent beside a stream along with several other people in tents, sleeping bags and trailers. Behind the campsite was a tall, rocky cliff towering over the sleeping campers. Suddenly the earth began to shake and with a tremendous roar a great section of the cliff collapsed and came crashing down on them, burying them all in tons of rock and dirt. Mr. Glover related the dream in every detail to a friend also interested in paranormal dreams, Flora G. of San Francisco. Three days later the newspaper were full of an earth upheaval at Yosemite National Park. A campsite was buried by the very landslide he had vividly seen in his dream” (Holzer 45).

3. “Mrs. Susannah D. of New Jersey is a housewife who has had evidential dreams since age twenty. After her marriage she lived for a time at lake Worth, Florida, but three months later the family decided to come back to New Jersey. The night before they were ready to leave, Mrs. D had a dream. She saw a woman dressed all in black standing beside a car turned upside down, dabbing at her eyes with a white handkerchief. In the dream, the woman said to Mrs. D., “Please find my daughter, tell my daughter.” Mrs. D. remembers clearly thinking in the dream that she forgot to ask the stranger for the name of that daughter, so how could she tell her? The following morning Mrs. D. told her husband of the dream and begged him not to leave that morning. She felt it was a sure sign from fate that they would have an accident. But her husband become irritated at the thought of delay and insisted that they leave as planned. They weren’t out of the state of Florida yet when upon rounding a curve they noticed a long line of cars and police cars rushing by. They stopped, and looked to see what was the matter. Down in a gully was a car upside down and a woman dressed all in black standing alongside, crying. Mrs. D. got out of her car and inquired what had happened. She was informed that the woman’s daughter had been killed and was still trapped in the car” (Holzer 40).

4. “In the summer of 1958, Mr. Glover dreamt he was sleeping in a tent beside a stream along with several other people in tents, sleeping bags and trailers. Behind the campsite was a tall, rocky cliff towering over the sleeping campers. Suddenly the earth began to shake and with a tremendous roar a great section of the cliff collapsed and came crashing down on them, burying them all in tons of rock and dirt. Mr. Glover related the dream in every detail to a friend also interested in paranormal dreams, Flora G. of San Francisco. Three days later the newspaper were full of an earth upheaval at Yosemite National Park. A campsite was buried by the very landslide he had vividly seen in his dream” (Holzer 45)
5. “E.W. is in his late thirties, a chemistry graduate now working in another field. In January 1958 he was living in Florida with his parents, running a business with them. One night he had a dream in which he became aware of himself taking a shower, when the telephone rang. He waited a few moments to see whether his parents would pick up the phone, since they were usually up early, but since it continued to ring Mr. W. grabbed his rob and answered the telephone. In the dream he noticed that he ran to an upstairs extension in a room which was made as if no one had slept in it for days. He grabbed the receiver, which was on a small table next to the bed and said hello. His mother’s voice was on the other end saying, “Son, I am at the hospital with Daddy. He’s dying. You’d better call the priest and get here as quickly as possible.” And suddenly the strange dream ended and Mr. W. found himself wide awake in bed. He worried about the content of this dream, but decided not to mention it to his parents. At that time his father, seventy-three was in perfect health and there was no reason why he should be in a hospital.

The dream occurred in January 1958. In late April Mr. W noticed that his father seemed to have difficulty speaking. Eventually he took him to a doctor and it was thought that Mr. W., Sr., had had a stroke. But the diagnosis seemed uncertain, so Mr. W. took his father to a brain specialist in a larger city. There it was discovered that Mr. W., Sr., had cancer of the brain which was inoperable. They decide to drive back to Florida since there was nothing they could do about it. On the morning of July 15 of the same year, Mr. W. got up fairly early and jumped into the shower. He was just drying himself off when the phone began ringing insistently. He grabbed his bathrobe and answered the phone immediately where as in the dream he had allowed it to ring for some time! His mother was on the other end of the line, saying the exact words he had heard her say in the dream many months before. “Son, I am at the hospital with daddy. He’s dying. You’d better call the priest and get here as quickly as possible” (Holzer 43-44).

Kind of trippy I would say, at least to be able to see strangers or people you know end in a tragic fate through your own dreams. Have you ever had one of these dreams, where you dreamt about it first and then something similar would happen in the future, such as hearing somebody say a phrase in the dream and then hearing it again sometime later in the future? It is said that if a person is more open-minded to prophetic dreams, that they will more likely to experience them. If you are more conscious and aware of your dreams, then you will more likely be able to find meaning in them, and a relationship between what goes on in your dreams to what goes happens outside of them.

Although predicting the future may be neat, having these “psychic” abilities may not always be a good thing to have since most of them end in minor or major tragedy. Is there any way where we can prevent them? Sometimes our dreams will give us “warning signs” that can help us alter fate and destiny. In other words, these dreams give the dreamer a chance to do something about it. Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing some more stories with you, as well as how one can alter to future by experiencing dreams called “Warning Dreams”. ~

Tristan Lee is a writer who enjoys helping others with self-improvement and personal success.

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Beginners Guide To Developing Your Psychic Abilities

As a teacher, I hear people constantly saying they don't have any psychic abilities, yet invariably when I start to question them about their life experiences, they always have stories about hunches, thoughts or ideas they've had. Some will mention getting butterflies in their stomach when they think about about certain things.

They don't seem to realize that these hunches and things ARE psychic abilities. Everyone has psychic abilities. You may not know HOW they work and it may seem they don't work for you, but that is another story entirely and it does not change the fact that you are psychic..

The first step to developing your psychic abilities is to accept you already have the ability. You may not know exactly how to use it, or you may not be using it to its fullest capabilities, but it is there. You MUST accept the fact that as long as you deny your psychic abilities, they will not work for you.

Chances are pretty good that you really don't mean to say you don't have any psychic abilities. You may suspect you do or hope that you do, but you haven't seen enough to feel 100% comfortable admitting you have them yet. Probably because our society is so into wanting to see proof.

People tend to think that if a person admits they have psychic abilities, it automatically means they should be able to immediately tell you what is going to happen tomorrow. Rarely will you find someone with their psychic abilities that finely tuned.

As a comparison, think about cooking. Just about everyone can do some basic cooking even if it is nothing more than heating up a can of soup. But few people are capable of cooking a gourmet meal. If a teenager tells mom, "we learned to cook today", mom is not going to expect the girl to cook a 6 course meal for supper tonight.

The vast, VAST majority of people are in the heating up a can of soup stage with their psychic abilities. They are not capable of telling you what is going to happen tomorrow, but that does not mean they don't have psychic abilities.

How Psychic Abilities Work

No one can 100% for sure say exactly how psychic abilities work. We have ideas but our current level of scientific knowledge is not able to verify (test and measure) what we think is happening. Technology is getting closer and closer to being able to test and measure it, but we are not there yet.

To understand psychic abilities, you have to get down to basic science. Mainly two rules. 1) Everything is composed of energy. 2) Energy never dies. It may mutate, but never dies.

Our thoughts are energy, we use energy when we move our fingers over the keyboard. When we breathe out we move the air around and moving air is another form of energy.

How do we measure energy? Different types of energy are measured in different ways to make them easier for our human minds to understand, but when you get it down to the basic level, energy flows in waves and it is those waves we can measure.

Some things put out huge waves of energy and others put out tiny waves. Think about the electricity that flows through the wires in your home. As long as it is in those wires nothing happens. It's when they electricity comes out of the wires that things get interesting.

If we have a machine of some sort hooked up to the electricity, it powers the machines and things are fine. But what happens when a human being is touching the end of the wire where the electricity comes out of it? To simplify it let's just say electricity puts out BIG waves that are easily measured by todays technology.

How much energy do you produce when you blow air out of your mouth? You can probably easily create enough energy to blow out the candles on your birthday cake, but can you, by yourself produce enough energy to turn a wind turbine? Of course not, and obviously the waves of energy you produce when blowing out those candles is not nearly as strong as the waves electricity causes but we are technologically advanced enough that we measure the energy you produce.

Your thoughts also produce waves of energy. Our current technology can measure the thought waves inside our head, but we have not reached the point with our technology to be able to measure a persons thought waves from across the room. The waves are there, we just don't have the technology to measure it yet. Does the fact that we can not measure the waves from across the room mean they don't exist? Of course not!

Psychic Abilities Pick Up Those Waves

Every thought we think, every sound we make, every movement we make, everything we do is constantly putting out little amounts of energy and we know that energy never dies so all these thoughts etc., etc., are still there, but our currently technology does not allow us to scientifically measure all this energy.

But the Universal Power that designed and built us and everything else built within us the fantastic ability to pick these energies. I tend to look at it like this. The energy being put out by our thoughts, movements, actions and everything else that makes life so wonderful could be called the "music of the Universe".

Our bodies, the magnificent machines that they are, were designed to be a receiver of that beautiful music.

As you realize, different brands and models of machines work differently. Some work better than others. Some get damaged over time and some simply break down from lack of use or even over use. How well you receive that beautiful music depends on the shape your receiver is in.

Repairing your Psychic Abilities Receiver

The question then becomes how do you personally repair your receiver? There is no doubt you were designed to be able to receive the Universal Music of life, but somewhere along the line your receiver got broke. It may be off channel and we just need to turn the knobs a little. Or you may have blown a few fuses someplace in the machinery and we've got to dig around till we find and replace them.

Rest assured however if you are willing to work at it, you can develop your psychic abilities.

The Next Step, Learning to Listen

If you are still reading at this point, I hope you have accepted the first step to developing your psychic abilities, believing you have psychic abilities. If not, don't go any further. Go immediately to our forum and ask for help. If you can not accept you already have psychic abilities, you will never have psychic abilities and there is no reason for you to go any further.

If you have accepted the fact that you are psychic, then the next step to increasing your psychic abilities is to "Learn to Listen". How often to you stop and just listen to the world around you? If you listen intently enough, you can hear many wondrous things.

You can hear the winds voice foretelling the rain is on it's way. You can heard frogs and crickets off in the distance and if you get really good, you can hear and feel the rhythm of the earth itself and the sounds of the Universe can flow like water across your skin.

In my local classes, I always make my students take 10 minutes every day to stop and just listen. I don't care if you live in the noisiest city in the world, all the man made noises can be tuned out and you can hear the rhythm of the earth with a marching band going down the street if you try hard enough.

If you are not willing to give 10 minutes a day to listen, then please drop out of any classes or group I am teaching because you are waisting my time and your time.

You will find that the little 10 minutes a day will be something you soon start to look forward to and almost crave on a regular basis. That little 10 minutes will calm your nerves, de-stress your body and start opening your psychic abilities up more than any one thing you will ever do. But it MUST be on a regular basis. It can not be done just occasionally.

I take a little time each night (I try for 30 minutes when possible), go out on my back deck and just sit and look at the stars. If there are any noises around that bother me, I start mentally shutting them off, one by one until all I can hear are the sounds of nature.

Once nature has relaxed me, I start expanding my hearing to the sky. Listening to the stars and the moon, letting my receiver zero in on the energy a specific star is sending out. Feeling it pulsate within my very being.

Practice Makes Perfect

Once you have the two basic first steps down, it is all a matter of finding out how you personally receive information. You may find you are great at psychokinesis and suck at ESP (or visa versa). Some people have one skill that will bloom this week and next week something else comes to the forefront and they never know exactly which skill is working the best at any one time.

The only way to figure out your personal abilties is to practice. Exercises your abilities. They are much like muscles that get weak from lack of use and must be exercised to make strong.

If you don't have anyone to work with and help you practice, consider joining one of the free psychic abilities groups that are available on the internet. Choose one that holds various types of practice exercises with it's members so you can strengthen as many abilities as possible.

You may well be surprised how quickly your psychic abilities start to bloom when you begin regular exercises. Who knows you may well be the next John Edwards. ~

Pamela Freeman worked as a professional psychic for over 20 years and currently teaches others to increase their psychic abilities through her group at:

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Are Modern Day Psychics Biblical Prophets?

Are biblical prophets relegated to the annals of history? Some religous zealots would say absolutely. However, modern psychics have much in common with the prophets of the bible. Even diehard religious zealots have to admit that biblical prophets had the ability to see the future through dreams, visions, and the revelations of angels. So, why is it incredulous or blasphemous to believe that this phenomenon occurs, in modern day society?

Has the God of the old and new testament forsaken us? After all he did give us his only begotten son Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Indeed even after his son was sacrificed for our sins he granted us the great comforter. Because even after his death and resurrection on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came in his stead to impart gifts of the spirit including revelation and prophecy to his faithful followers.

Even in the book of revelations it speaks of prophets that come to warn of the second coming. Still our religious leaders refuse to believe that the prophecy and gifts of the spirit exist. Instead they choose to deny the Holy Spirit and the biblical gifts promised by our holy father. It would seem the true followers of god have been relegated to the fringes of Judeo-Christian philosophy.

Instead of spirituality and the gifts of the spirit we have chosen to worship the almighty dollar. In God we trust? Hardly! It is more like in the all seeing eye of Nimrod we trust! I really think a deeper evaluation of our true motifs as Jews and Christians is in order. It is better that we bring our house in order before God lets forth his angels onto this earth to set his house in order!

Gifts of the spirit should be acknowledged and received, as blessings, by all that believe. Is it coincidence that the leaves change color in the fall or that the flowers bloom in the spring? We see miracles on a daily basis but still live in denial of our true purpose on this planet. To serve and worship our creator.

God has a purpose for every one on this planet and every celestial being above and below. God after all created the angels and the Devil. Omnipotence dictates that god knows what we will do before we do. So, to deny or try to empirically quantify Gods existence or the existence of his spiritual gifts is the real blasphemy.

If we could use science to predict the future with high statistical probability would that not be fortune telling and a form of blasphemy? No glory is given to God as we forecast or prophesize the weather. So would that not constitute a type of idolatry? Should weather forecasters wear little horns and carry pitchforks?

Evidently when prophecy is backed by scientific fact it is religiously and biblically acceptable but when there is no way to substantiate a prophecy or vision given by God it is blasphemy. Somehow this ideology seems backwards.

So, before you bash the next psychic or prophet you see, just think about how truly blessed you are to see another sunrise. Be thankful for the small gifts God has given to you in your life. Instead of being jealous and hating on a prophet of God try embracing the true teachings of the Bible, like the golden rule. ~

Fred Gimino owns and opperates the Free Psychic Network. His site provides advice and insight in the hopes that people may live happier more satisfying lives. Content including psychic readings oracles in genres like Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, And Horoscopes may be accessed on and through his site. Why not talk with a live psychic today?

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Awakening Psychic Ability and Mystical Experiences

The term “psychic” has been taken so far out of context, and has become so blemished, it is nearly impossible to believe we will ever have a spiritual “homecoming” when looking to the English language for the meaning of this term. A psychic is one who uses God-given gifts of the Spirit to receive and give messages from God to bless others. This may be done in an altered state at a very high level of spiritual vibration. However, a mystic or prophet is usually also endowed with a purely intuitive gift that is facilitated in a more “normal” state of being. Either way, the psychic receives information on a dynamic spiritual level.

There are many varieties of psychic or spiritual gifts available to us. A spiritually receptive person may acquire and utilize any number of these gifts. Jesus used all of them in His ministry. You may already have them and not realize it. Since the gifts are perceived aside from or a heightened use of the five known senses, sight, sound, taste, touch, or smell, they are sometimes referred to as the sixth sense or extra sensory perception (ESP).

When a person begins to awaken to their true self and divine potential, spiritual or psychic gifts will begin to emerge and develop. Having some point of reference for these gifts will assist in the enlightenment process. With such stigma and fear associated with the paranormal these days, I feel it is important to dispel any fear you may have of such phenomenon. A fear of a spiritual gift will certainly be a hindrance to your using it. In order to be equipped to do the same works that Jesus did, we need to utilize these wonderful tools. Daddy doesn’t mind if you use His tools, so let’s take a brief look at some of these gifts.


Clair means “clear.” Clairvoyance, or clear vision, allows you to see with your mind’s eye. This gift allows you to pick up on information about a person by seeing images or symbols that pertain to something going on in another person’s life. A clairvoyant person may see with their physical or spiritual eyes, angels, spirits and other images in the spiritual world. This gift manifests whenever the third eye (or 6th chakra) is open and clear and may manifest in dreams or visions. God gives us inner vision today, just as He did with the prophets of old.


Another psychic gift is the gift of clairaudience, in which messages are received from etheric realms through hearing. People having this gift may hear spirit messages audibly or within their mind. This is the gift Joan of Arc used.


Some people are blessed with the gift of psychometry, or clairsentience, which is the ability to touch an object and receive accurate information about the owner, whether living or passed on. This gift brings the gut feeling or “knowing” of something about another person without having human knowledge of it beforehand.


Clairempathy allows a person to feel (within their body or emotions) the feelings, pain or needs of another person. Whenever there is a world catastrophe or an instance where someone nearby is suffering, people with this gift may begin to pick up on this energy and become a surrogate. If you find you are having unexplained pain or emotions that surface without cause, you may be picking up on another person’s energy. It is important for the person with this gift to know how to set spiritual boundaries or else clear the energy from their field.


Clairgustance has to do with receiving a message from spiritual realm through the sense of taste. You may be able to taste something that you have not eaten or even been near. Ask your internal guidance for clarification about why you are “tasting” this message. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!


Clairscent allows a person to smell a fragrance or odor from another realm. It is akin to the gift of clear taste or clairgustance. I have smelled roses and other heavenly scents while praying. The kingdom of Heaven is near you, even in your nose!

Prophetic or Revelatory Gifts

Any of the aforementioned gifts may be considered prophetic in nature due to their ability to foretell the future or transmit a message from the heavenly realms. The Bible speaks of nine gifts of the Spirit and divides them into three categories: speaking, knowing and doing. Under the category of speaking gifts come the gifts of prophecy, tongues and interpretation of tongues. The knowing gifts are words of wisdom, words of knowledge and discerning of spirits. The doing gifts are faith, healing and working of miracles. These gifts are still operational today. God has not changed His mind about communicating with us and through us!

The Gift of Healing the Sick

As you ascend in your spiritual progress, you may notice that you have the ability to heal others. My wife’s father was very ill from an accident and slipped into a coma. Doctors at the hospital in Burbank, California indicated he had “lost brain mass” and would not be the same in terms of cognitive abilities. He would in fact, they said, be more akin to “a vegetable” if he lived. They believed his death was imminent. I immediately thought about a Bible scripture, Ecclesiastes 2:12-14, “I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.” Light is in the Universe and individualized in your own spirit. I called on the “Light” of the healing angel Raphael, to surround and protect Mr. Morris. I saw these incredible circles of light in my mind’s eye. I “felt” he was perfect, just as God made him. The Light penetrated my very being and I “knew” he was healed. Period. I appealed to the Doctor who created all doctors.

Our bodies are miraculous works of art. They are constantly being pulled back to the original and perfect blueprint of its spiritual DNA. I believe that the greatest surgeon on earth can perform a healing act on the body, but it is ultimately the Highest Doctor of the Universe who sends the energy to cause the actual healing.

The doctors at the hospital called our house very excited looking for my wife, Cynthia, saying they had witnessed “a miracle.” Push your mind to the edge and think outside the box. Those invisible photons of light which travel at 186,000 miles per second entered that hospital room, touched my father-in-law’s body, and in that light the dying man was healed.

God reveals things to us in many ways, including dreams, visions, thoughts, ideas or images popping into our heads, a knowing felt in our spirit or body, and so on. In the Bible Paul said, “Yet when I am among mature Christians, I do speak with words of great wisdom, but not the kind that comes from here on earth, and not the kind that appeals to great men of this world, who are doomed to fall.” (I Corinthians 2:6). Even though the message may be from God, it comes through the filters of the psychic’s human mind and personality and is open for interpretation.

Any message you receive from a prophet or psychic should be considered in such light. I’ve had many a message that I had to “sit with” for a while. After considering its validity, I may put it in the back of my mind for later. Some messages that didn’t seem relevant at the time have come to have an appreciative meaning later on.
“Tele” Gifts

Telepathy allows for mind to mind or spirit to spirit communication without the use of verbal or physical signs, language or symbols. Telepathy between people and animals is a proven fact. A mother knows instinctively when her children are in danger, and we all “tap in” to this type of energy. But what is it? Telepathy is communication from mind to mind or soul to soul without any visible means of physical contact. Contact on a higher plane, however, is very real. When you pray, you contact your Higher Self, or the part that God placed in you.

The Bible calls the inner God-self the “I AM.” The Energy of God is very personal. It cannot be created or destroyed—it just is! When we lose our sense of fear, and yield to the inner God-urge to form us to our full potential, it is the most liberating sensation on the planet. This God consciousness is living “as you” in this incarnation. Everything you think will cause the mind of God in you to respond accordingly.

The Skeptics

What human nature does not understand, it seeks to resist or destroy. Who are we to judge the fresh, new messages coming from the heart of God to His children who have open minds and are willing to hear that voice today? What would we do with a modern Noah who purportedly “heard” the voice of God? What would we do with a Moses who parted oceans with a walking stick?

Jesus used intuition and not mere hunches. He embodied His higher spiritual self, directed by the Christ mind. In other words, he was living in an ascended state while in a human body. He knew when healing had occurred because he felt virtue leave his body. He materialized coins, walked through a wall, called the dead back to life, levitated before eye-witnesses, and defied the laws of gravity with his body by walking on water. The vibratory frequency of his body was much higher than the typical human living in third dimension reality. There were also many prophets, saints and holy men thousands of years before Jesus who demonstrated similar powers of mind and spirit. Why, then, condemn the psychics and mystics of our modern day?

Any gift or action that brings health, love, healing, soundness of mind, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, honesty or any other virtue is of God no matter what label the “doer” may wear or what spiritual camp they hang out with.

Your bio-energy is always present in your physical body, as is your spirit. It is your “magnetism” or body electricity that enables the communication between the brain and the other parts of the body. Psychic energy connects you with your own body, other people and their spirits, as well as to the Universe or God. When your spiritual energy is depleted, it negatively influences your physical body and its strength, making it more susceptible to disease and other ailments. If your body needs nutrients for normal functioning, think how much more your spirit needs the nurturing of prayer, reflection, meditation and ritual to keep it alive!

Mystical Experiences

The transcendent experience has been scientifically recorded for years and is still practiced by humans today. We have many names for these spiritually transforming experiences. It is up to the individual as how to respond to them. We may be confined to the limitation of the physical body, but our powers of mind are not. Attitude, faith and belief make all the difference in how we respond to a situation. A person may be jailed for a crime. He or she has a choice of response. They can allow their heart to harden, or they may use their mind and time to write a bestseller! When you are led by your heart and not your condition, anything is possible. I encourage you to accept the mystical experiences that come to you. They are to teach, enlighten, and awaken you.

I am an Intuitive (or Prophet, or Mystic), choose whatever “title” you want, but I am spirit having a human experience just as you are. Many times my clients look up to me as someone with incredible magical powers. The only magic I possess is my faith in God as my Ultimate Reality and Power. The mystical experience comes along when you place your trust, without any questions or without vacillating, in that Power. Each of us has the responsibility to go inside our own temple for meditation. We can go into the “silence” of that place and communicate with God. That place is where you behold the reality and mystery of God, and find your spiritual truth. Your religion has nothing to do with “your truth” or the reason that you were born. ~

Renowned speaker, author, intuitive and soul coach for the 21st century, Reggie Johnson helps people integrate their spiritual energy into their daily lives. He is the author of The Awakening: Conquering the Sleeping Giant Within at

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Revealing Your Psychic Secrets

Have you ever wondered how to develop or increase your natural psychic talents? Maybe you’ve never considered yourself psychic in any manner whatsoever? Or you may not know what being psychic actually means.

Everybody is Psychic

The term is defined in The Macquarie Dictionary, 2nd Revision as "pertaining to super- or extra-sensory mental functioning, such as clairvoyance, telepathy". Science has now explored the brain enough to find out just how little we actually know about how our brain works. We know for example that humans only use a very small percentage of their brains. Exactly what goes on in the remaining parts of our brain has not yet been scientifically proven.

Scientific Research

Neuroscientists have shown that most logical, analytical activity occurs in the top 1/4 inch of brain skin called the association cortex. Somewhere deeper in the brain, our undeveloped psychic abilities reside, away from the logic and analytical function areas.

Recent brain research suggesting that a key psychic centre is the Limbic System, located deep towards the centre of the frontal lobe. This area is also associated with states of ecstasy and depression, pain, taste and smell. It’s more advanced and larger in humans and other mammals such as apes, cats, dogs and horses than most other animals such as reptiles. This area is electrically active when a person is scientifically tested for psychic ability or in an altered state of consciousness, for example sleep or meditation.

All humans and some animals have this brain structure and therefore, all humans and some animals have the potential for psychic ability. Why then do some people seem more psychic than others if we all come with the same psychic hard wiring?

Very simplistically, the brain computer is programmed for psychic ability but not all programs are switched on and running efficiently.

How many times have you known who was on the phone before it rang or you said "I was just thinking about you". How many mothers are aware when their child at school is hurt?

Little psychic events happen often, to some people almost every day, and occasionally to others. Why don’t these psychic experiences happen every day for everybody? I think they do happen for everybody, but go largely unnoticed in the hurly burly of modern everyday life, or they’re explained away as being mere coincidence.

If our computers are full of useless information, then it becomes more and more difficult to find the useful information we actually want. There are so many other files and programs to look through before we find what we are looking for. In order to access our psychic ability, we need to look through mountains of files or programs, or both, so we can then cull them and clean out what is going on in our heads.

Developing Your Psychic Talents

We need to pay close attention to what actually goes on in our minds. Our minds often require psychic housekeeping. Many of us do some form of housekeeping every day in our homes, how much more important is it to look after our minds in a similar fashion? We wouldn’t leave piles of dirty dishes lying around day after day, (well most of us wouldn’t). We can similarly clean up the dirty dishes of our minds and throw out those left over scraps and bits and pieces that no longer serve us. We can release the useless redundant programs that have been inculcated into our brains by external energy sources such as society, popular culture, authority figures, peer groups and even our loved ones.

We can begin to learn and distinguish what energy actually belongs to us and what energy belongs to someone else. If you feel down, ask the question "who does this belong to"? Then listen and wait to see what happens next. You may perceive an intuitive flash or psychic insight in the form of a visual picture. This is termed clairvoyance which means "clear sight". Sometimes, an audible word will come and this is called clairaudience or "clear hearing". Other times, our intuition can work through our imagination, giving us a flight of fantasy - a little story going on in our heads.

There are many ways to know something psychically. Our bodies may get a sensation in the stomach or chest area for example. This is called clairsentience or "clear feeling". Sometimes, you may just have a knowing which is similar to knowing that you are about to take the next breath.

If you sense an energy which doesn’t belong to you, tell it to return to its original source. Tell the energy with confidence and authority because you are human and you have the power to command spiritual energies. Know your power to command what goes on in your own head! As you become clearer you will perceive psychic energies with greater ease and you will pick up on what is happening in other people’s lives as well. Your mind gradually becomes a blank screen that you can read.

When you have a psychic flash it is clearly apparent that this is a psychic experience and it doesn’t get lost amongst all the other stuff that living a modern life entails.

We need not allow other peoples’ energies, whether they’re individual or global, to run and control our lives, dimming our psychic talents. Something I like to do every day when I burn incense is a little meditation I call "Universal Expansion".

Firstly, while lighting incense, I say aloud, "I release all foreign and alien energies from myself, my partner, my children/pets, this house, this town, this state and country, the earth, solar system and throughout all universes, dimensions and realities". While I say this, I visualize myself spreading outside the confines of my body, touching my partner, children, spreading throughout the town where I live, expanding out further and further throughout Australia. I see my energy travelling across the oceans, touching other countries, enveloping the entire earth, growing larger and larger through our solar system and universe and beyond to all universes.

My energy fills all the spaces where the foreign energies resided before I released them. I do this very quickly, usually within 1 minute. This way I don’t have the
excuse to say, "I don’t have time". We always have time to be our true selves, and that is infinite beings which exist beyond time and space. When we realize this fully, we also realize that the energy of others cannot diminish us and we can allow our true psychic self to shine. ~

Rose Smith, BA, DRM, ATMS is a psychic entrepreneur with a background in counseling, healing and teaching. She is also the founder of Absolute Soul Secrets Master Psychics, an Australian network of professional telephone psychics. Visit for more information.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Develop Psychic Powers Qigong

If you don’t believe in psychic power and the power of the mind and will, then you’ve never witnessed a master of Qigong. The masters can do amazing feats. Many scientists have recorded them and attempt to explain how they occur. Masters of the art of Qigong harness their energy and make it stronger. Some believe that it encourages neural pathways to develop between the right and left side of the brain. Scientists already know that one side controls the logical, the planning, the thinking side and the other controls the creative. It makes sense that creating the bridge would allow an increase in their energy force.

In the case of Qigong, practice does make perfect. It increases as the student learns to focus intently, build concentration and will. It uses body movements and meditation to do this. Depending on the area the master chooses to develop his skill, he may develop the ability to move objects, start fires, heal at close proximity or at a distance or develop other psychic powers. Many of these feats are recorded both in writing and on video. The practitioners didn’t demonstrate the abilities before they started their training. The training brought their abilities to the foreground and allowed them to use them. It allowed them to tap into what they already possessed.

Studies on meditation show a change in brain patterns. As the person practicing meditation progresses and becomes more accomplished eventually all the brain pattern is the alpha wave. The alpha wave is the one that occurs when people learn the best and perform psychic acts.

Studies into quantum physics confirm the potential for psychic phenomena. The smallest particles are no longer the atom. They are smaller than the electron. These particles are moved throughout the atom with energy. They make a quantum leap from one shell to another and change the very structure of the matter where they exist. Consider someone that has the ability to focus energy and the desire to change a substance. Let us take a look at the Qigong master that heals. He focuses on the virus or diseased cells and uses his energy to change the matter into healthy cells. It is logical and feasible that this feat is possible.

In many of the Eastern practices like Qigong, a form of Tai Chi, the self needs to be quieted. Pride has no place in Qigong. The reason is twofold. First, it elevates the role of the practitioner to creator. He is not, he only directs the energy already in place and provided to him. The second is that it changes the focus of the practitioner from the outcome to himself. This blocks the energy. This takes a great deal of training and self will to do. It is normal for people to crave the attention when they accomplish a major feat.

Anyone can learn these abilities. It takes dedication to advance to the great levels that the masters posses. Some that study the art of Qigong may start into the study to make themselves healthier or even for the hope of psychic ability and perhaps a quick trip to Las Vegas, but find that the more they develop, the less they choose to use the power for self advancement and the more they choose to improve humanity. ~

Conrad Raw is an expert on practical techniques for personal and spiritual development. He is a bestselling co-author with Wayne Dyer and Brian Tracy and is the author of "The Zensation Manual: Forbidden Secrets of Personal and Spiritual Development. How To Develop Psychic Powers”. Visit his website to get your free video course on how to activate your true potential psychic power.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Success... The Psychic Component

I'm sure you have noticed the difference between the successful and strong men in any walk of life, and the unsuccessful weak men around them. You are conscious of the widely differing characteristics of the two classes, but somehow find it difficult to express just in what the difference lies. Let us take a look at the matter.

Burton said: "The longer I live, the more certain I am that the great difference between men, the feeble and the powerful, the great and the insignificant, is energy and invincible determination - a purpose once fixed and then Death or Victory. That quality will do anything that can be done in this world - and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make a two-legged creature a man without it." I do not see how the idea could be more clearly expressed than Burton has spoken. He has put his finger right in the center of the subject - his eye has seen into the heart of it.

Energy and invincible determination - these two things will sweep away mighty barriers, and will surmount the greatest obstacles. And yet they must be used together. Energy without determination will go to waste. Lots of men have plenty of energy - they are full to overflowing with it; and yet they lack concentration - they lack the concentrated force that enables them to bring their power to bear upon the right spot.

Energy is not nearly so rare a thing as many imagine it to be. I can look around me at any lime, and pick out a number of people I know who are full of energy - many of them are energy plus - and yet, somehow, they do not seem to make any headway. They are wasting their energy all the time. Now they are fooling with this thing - now meddling with that. They will take up some trifling thing of no real interest or importance, and waste enough energy and nervous force to carry them through a hard day's work, and yet when they are through, nothing has been accomplished.

Others, who have plenty of energy, fail to direct it by the power of the Will toward the desired end. "Invincible determination" - those are the words. Do they not thrill you with their power? If you have something to do, get to work and do it. Marshal your energy and then guide and direct it by your Will - bestow upon it that "invincible determination" and you will do the thing.

Everyone has within him a giant will, but the majority of us are too lazy to use it. We cannot get ourselves nerved up to the point at which we can say, truthfully: "I will. If we can but pluck up our courage to that point, and will then pin it in place so that it will not slip back, we will be able to call into play that wonderful power - the Human Will. Man, as a rule, has but the faintest conception of the power of the Will, but those who have studied along the occult teachings, know that the Will is one of the great dynamic forces of the universe, and if harnessed and directed properly it is capable of accomplishing almost miraculous things.

"Energy and Invincible Determination: -- aren't they magnificent words? Commit them to memory - press them like a die into the wax of your mind, and they will be a constant inspiration to you in hours of need. If you can get these words to vibrating in your being, you will be a giant among pygmies. Say these words over and over again, and see how you are filled with new life - see how your blood will circulate - how your nerves will tingle. Make these words a part of yourself, and then go forth anew to the battle of life, encouraged and strengthened. Put them into practice. "Energy and Invincible Determination" - let that be your motto in your work-a-day life, and you will be one of those rare men who are able to "do things."

Many persons are deterred from doing their best by the fact that they underrate themselves by comparison with the successful ones of life, or rather; overrate the successful ones by comparison with themselves.

Empower Yourself... See Your Successes For What They Truly Are - Success... and Success Begets More Success. A Cycle we can All Appreciate. ~ hosts the PsyCourse, which was created by Zach Keyer to Help Anyone willing to step upward onto their path, To Fully Grow Their Psychic And Success Potentials.

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Use Psychic Powers To Choose Winning Lotto Numbers

I am often asked by my friends how I managed to win the lottery, and the answer usually surprises them! My win, although not huge by modern standards, was achieved with very little effort, and almost no expense. The secret? Using the psychic powers we all have in order to predict the winning lotto numbers.

The method is simple, and easy to use, and should work just as well for you as it worked for me. After all, there is no monopoly on psychic talents! First, you need to get hold of a plumb weight. This can be a simple piece of lead, or a fancy crystal - it is up to you as the actual material is irrelevant. You will also need some string, some paper, and a pen. Scissors might also come in handy.

Make a pendulum by attaching the plumb weight to the string. Write out all 49 lottery numbers on the paper (tip - try a 7 x 7 'grid' - this will make it easier to cut them out later! i.e. on the first line write 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 on the second write 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 and so on). Cut out the numbers into little squares, and place them face down on a smooth surface - your coffee table, for example. Make sure they are well separated (at least a couple of inches between numbers).

Now you must shuffle up the numbers, so you don't consciously know which one is which. This is a very important step, so don't overlook it. Next we are going to 'dowse' for the numbers that will win the very next lotto. The basics, of this technique, of course, go way back. When I was a little girl, after the War, I remember a friend of my father's coming round to dowse for a source of water in the cottage we had just occupied. I watched fascinated as he walked back and forward, with a couple of hazel twigs, until suddenly, they jerked together, and he said "Here".

When my father and his brothers dug down, sure enough, there was an underground spring, and we built a well there that served us for many years until we left the cottage when I was a teenager.

Back to the pendulum dowsing. Make sure the room is quiet and dark, and that there are no distractions. Hold the plum line over the first number and try to 'empty your mind' of everything except thoughts of the lottery draw, and the balls coming out of the machine. Don't think about anything else, just concentrate on the balls. Don't worry, don't fret or strain, just 'be'. The pendulum will in most cases, hang there, swaying gently from side to side. After a minute or so, if the pendulum is simply oscillating like that, move on to the next number. Eventually, you will be holding the pendulum over one of the numbers, and it will start to rotate. This rotation may be clockwise or counter clockwise, but it will definitely be rotation. You can even 'test' this if you don't believe it - move to the side of the table, then try the same piece of paper again. You will get the same rotation (a tip on what to do if your arm gets tired can be found at

Remove the piece of paper to the side, but DON'T TURN IT OVER YET. Repeat until you have your six 'picks' for the draw. Then, and only then, can you turn the papers over to see what numbers have been picked for you. A little practice and you will be amazed at how frequently you start to 'hit' winning numbers. Who knows, if your heart is pure, and your intentions are good, you might even win as big as I did!

Lotto winner Barbara Rhodan writes advice on the practical uses of your psychic gifts at, the free Psychic Superstore.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Am I Psychic? Understanding Psychic Tests

Have you ever heard the phone ring and known who was calling? Do you often have a feeling of déjà vu, a sense that you’ve been somewhere or done something before? If so, you may have had a flash of psychic ability. Being psychic means that you “know” information on a particular subject without being conscious of having that information. But how can you know if you’re truly psychic or just a “good guesser?”

One way to determine how psychic you are is to take a psychic test. There are several types of online tests available. Most of them work by checking how well you do when asked to predict randomly chosen events, while some tests ask you to actually try to influence events. Due to the nature of online psychic testing, most of these tasks are testing ESP, or extrasensory perception. Keep in mind that this is just one of several types of psychic ability.

One well-known psychic test is based on a set of cards called Zener cards. This is a fun test to do online as your results are immediate and the computer will tell you how your results compare to chance. The Zener cards have five different shapes on them. The computer randomly chooses a card, and then you try to pick the same card. In most cases, the more trials you run the better you get at choosing the right card.

Another type of psychic ESP test uses a color wheel. You choose the color that you think the computer will display next, and are awarded points based on your choice. This test is similar to the Zener cards, as you’re being asked to predict future random events.

Some other types of psychic tests are in a more traditional question and answer format. The questions can have several different focuses. For example, one test has questions pertaining to your daily life. In this test, the answers will help you to determine whether you often “know” things ahead of time or how empathetic you are to the feelings of those around you. Other tests focus more on how well you can predict things, such as what images may be hidden or picking certain numbers.

Remote viewing is the ability to “see” places, people, or objects that are not in your actual line of vision – you are seeing something in your mind. This is a fun test to try with a friend. Have your friend place a picture of something in an envelope and seal it. Of course, you shouldn’t have seen the picture beforehand. Then, quiet yourself and simply focus on the envelope. Don’t concentrate too hard, but just relax and let the image come to your mind. Then, write down what you see in the picture. You may be amazed when you compare the picture to your written description!

Psychic tests cannot give you a definitive answer to a question of whether or not you’re psychic. But if you consistently get good results, they may very well lead you to further exploration. ~

Keith Ward is the Founder and Director of the Circle of Professional Clairvoyants, which offers Psychic Readings with fully qualified Psychic Readers and Senior UK Clairvoyants.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Psychic Counseling

By Dale Power

Psychic Counseling is a serious topic, or at least it should be. I’m not talking about 1-800 numbers here, or even the local palm reader. I mean real and effective counseling that includes, mental and emotional issues, such as avoiding pitfalls and bad relationships. Counseling that helps the individual make better progress in all aspects their life.

The use of psychic abilities to help someone improve their situation is nothing new. The rich and powerful often have advisors that warn them of potential difficulties and give them tips on how to get around them.

What I am presenting here goes one step further than that. Using psychic counseling as a way to help a person not only avoid dangers, but address deep emotional issues and make better choices. A process that is not as one-way as traditional psychic work, where the psychic tells the person what they perceive, with little meaningful interaction and almost no personal growth on the side of the client.

The counselor should provide more than raw psychic information. The person being helped should be coached to develop their own skills and intuitions, to use their own psychic skills and talents to better their life. They should be aided in, not just making good decisions right now, but in knowing how to make good choices in the future.

I am going to cover the psychic aspects of counseling at this point, for you to add to your personal repertoire of skills. Because of space considerations I will not go into issues that pertain only to counseling, even though they are equally important to this process. For ease of use I am going to break this down by specific component, though in a counseling environment, you will want to be using all of the separate parts more holistically for best results.

Preparation- Take the time to ready yourself before your client arrives (I am using client to describe the person being helped for ease of use, it could be your friend, family member or co-worker.) most people will be more at ease if you don’t meditate in front of them for the first five minutes they are there.

Start by relaxing and settling your mind into a meditative state. Don’t be afraid of going too deep. When you begin to talk to the other person your brainwave state will tend to rise somewhat anyway, so this should not be a problem.

Acknowledge your subconscious mind, by briefly holding a single concept, without words or pictures, for a few moments. Any concept will do. Since much of your work will have to be done on a conscious level, it is not of great benefit to plunge into deep conceptual processing at this point. Still, it will help your sensitivity, so make this part of your routine.

Take time to let go of your own preconceptions. Just accept that you may have some and set them aside. This will help your ability to perceive information that is somewhat foreign to your normal mode of operation.

Now that you are in a good starting place you will be able to better apply yourself to the counseling session.

Empathy/Telepathy- Since you are already in a light receptive state, it should be fairly easy to create an entrainment/resonance pattern with the other person. Since you are not going to be working in a deep trance state, catch the other persons eye for a few moments. It only takes a few seconds, since it is a natural process, allowing you to become more in synch with one another. Since you are most likely in a more mentally balanced and synchronized state than they are, due to your preparations, they will very likely pick up your mental pattern, making it easier to get a read on them later.

I am not going to tell you how to be an empath or telepath here (you can find out more about the topic in “Telepathy and Empathy: Getting started” by Dale Power.) rest assured though, that you have the capability to do these things, even without special training, as long as you stay relaxed and try! Practice and training help, but these are natural abilities you already posses.

As you speak to them, pay attention to any signals they are giving you. Remember that these signals may not always match what they are thinking on a conscious level at the time. Ask about these impressions, not to see if you are correct, but to see what they mean to the other person. Even things that do not make sense to you may be deeply important, so don’t shy away from what may seem to be a strange idea. Just ask them and see what happens.

Also, be aware of feelings of evasiveness or deception. Don’t hold it against the person if they try to hide embarrassing moments or feelings, this is natural, but do address it and point out it may be happening. With feedback they may be able to correct themselves.

Data tracing/linking- Often people will describe to you situations and individuals that are important to them. From their thoughts and descriptions of people and events you can gain direct information about how these other people actually feel and the true nature of the situation. This deeper understanding will allow you to aid your client in dealing with specific situations correctly. By asking careful questions you can cause your clients subconscious mind to supply you with honest information about what they should be doing in regard to these specific individuals and topics.

Part of your job, once you have this information, is to lead them to realize what they already know, with as little direct information as possible coming from you. Don’t tell them, for instance, “You like this person romantically, but they don’t feel the same way about you”. Instead ask questions around the situation until they come to the conclusion on their own. This assumes your understanding of the information is correct of course. It is possible to misinterpret things, even with absolutely correct information, which is another reason to take care in your statements! It is possible, for instance, that their subconscious mind will present to you the common feelings of the person on an issue, rather than the facts of the situation. If they often feel that no one likes them, lets say, it may look from the information they give you, that no one does, even though this is a false perception on their part! Try and make sure that your interpretation does not negatively impact the session, or the person, just as a general course of action.

Precognition- In their description of events to you, it is common to get a fairly clear sense of how a situation is going to turn out. You may be able to determine what will go well for them, as well as what is doomed to failure.

While you can warn them of what might work and what won’t, it is important to help them generate a specific plan of action, if they are going to make the best use of your warning. Make sure that they understand the situation and what their options are. Coach them in making a solid plan, including contingencies for unwelcome events. Any strategy generated by your client will have a greater impact on them and more likely be followed to completion. This does not ensure success, of course, but they will have a better chance at changing the direction of events with this foreknowledge and proper planning.

It is also possible to foresee health and emotional troubles well before there are any external signs. Some problems may indeed be needful to the growth of the person involved, so try to be sensitive to such situations, but many problems can be fixed well before they happen, saving grief all around.

Entrainment- As the other person is already entrained to you, it is possible to guide them to deeper states of mind, to a more complete connection with their own subconscious mind, by controlling your own thoughts.

By slowly moving into a deeper more synchronized state, you will draw them into a similar level as well. Once there, if you slowly and carefully begin to pay more attention to the conceptual content of thought, they will, on certain levels, do the same.

This will tend to make them more aware of themselves and what they need to do in life. Which will, in turn, allow them to deal with any problems they may have more effectively.

I know that this sounds easy to accomplish and with practice and attention to detail, it really is fairly straight forward, as all of these methods are based on naturally occurring processes. Still it takes some effort and the ability to get your own ego out of the way to be highly effective. Lack of ego involvement allows you to give advice suited to your client, rather than what you think they should do, based on your own opinion and preconceived notions of correct living.

This kind of work is, perhaps, the future of psychic ability. It combines a wonderful level of service to others with solid technique and utility that is easily seen by many people. All things that psychic work has been accused of lacking in the past. ~

Dale Power is a psychic healer, researcher and educator that has been focusing on ways to improve psychic functioning in humans for the last twenty years.Go to: to find out more about the work being done.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Psychic Development's Top 3 Stumbling Blocks and How to Overcome Them

By Jason Hundley

You might have heard this before: "Everyone has some degree of psychic ability" Did you then think, as I did, "Ok, so where's mine?" I do believe that every person has latent psychic skills that can be developed and honed. The problem is many people wish to develop these skills and are met with a few stumbling blocks that prevent them from reaching their goals. Let's take a look at 3 main stumbling blocks to psychic development.

The first stumbling block is a misunderstanding of psychic ability. Most people expect what they see in the movies: bright, colorful, photographically clear images and high definition sounds that tell a complete story. Let me first say that not everyone's strength is clairvoyance, which is the ability to see images psychically.

It has been my experience, however, that most psychics that are clairvoyant don't have that kind of crystal clear experience. When I see something, it's usually a brief flash, occasionally in color, and it's often symbolic and requires a little research to find out the meaning behind it. I have had several discussions with many of my friends who are psychic and they tell me they have the same type of experience I do.

It is also important to know that clairvoyance is not the only psychic ability a person can have. Some people hear (clairaudience) things such as the voices of spirit guides; others feel (clairsentience) energies or detect danger through "gut feelings". Some even smell etheric scents. Whatever your psychic strength is, start by developing it first and then move to others later, if you want to. My psychic strength happens to be clairsentience.

The second stumbling block to psychic development is an attempt to "chase the information". This refers to the tendency so many of us have to try to "go get" the information we want. When we do this, we place a big road block between what we're trying to learn and ourselves.

The way to receive psychic information is to be relaxed and receptive. Rather than "going to get" the information, patiently wait for it to come to you. The reason so many psychics have prophetic dreams is because when they're asleep, they are in a very deep state of relaxation and receptivity. If you know how to meditate, slip into a light meditative sate. This will greatly improve your ability to receive psychic information. If you don't know how to meditate, don't worry. Just be calm and relaxed and let whatever comes to your mind enter.

The third stumbling block to psychic development is trust. Because most people are expecting the information to take one form and often get something different, they dismiss what was received. The key to moving along the path of psychic development is to trust the impressions you get. As an example, I was working with my sister one time, trying to discover the cause of her headache. She often gets stress headaches and she wanted me to see if I could find the cause. I received an image of her house and couldn't make sense of why I would be shown that. I was sure my mind was simply conjuring up this picture and it had no relevance. But, trusting what I was receiving, I asked her if anything was going on at home that might be stressing her and she said, "Yes, I'm incredibly stressed about getting the house cleaned up for the party this weekend." Had I simply assumed I was making up the picture of her house because it wasn't what I was expected to be the answer, I might not have found the problem.

Psychic development can be a very fun and rewarding journey as long as you approach it from a relaxed and open state of mind. Try not to force anything and don't get discouraged when things don't turn out the way you hoped. In time, you will develop a greater trust in your abilities and see real improvement. I wish you the best of luck on your road to psychic development. ~

Jason Hundley is an Usui and Karuna Ki Reiki Master Teacher. He has studied various metaphysical concepts and is also certified in many energy healing modalities including Reiki, Quantum Touch, Theta Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique and Transformation Meditation. He has been developing his psychic abilities since September of 2007. Find more articles at Your Integrated Self or Spiritual Expansion

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Become Psychic and Improve the Quality of Your Life

How To Become Psychic.

Some psychics say they were born psychic. These people have vivid imaginations that did not disappear when they became adults. Some psychics have a hard time distinguishing between what is real and what is imagined. This is partly because much of what they imagine comes true. This psychic phenomenon reinforces a person's belief that they are psychic.

You're Already Psychic. Here's How I Know That.

The truth of the matter is that we all have the ability to be psychic. In fact almost all of us get psychic messages but we don't think that's what it is. For example, how many of us have instinct, gut feelings, premonitions, imagination, dreams, lucky guesses, a hunch, or intuition? These are exactly the same tools psychics use. The only difference between us and someone who claims to be psychic is that a psychic trusts in their 'power' or god given abilities that we all have.

Become Psychic By Understanding The Law Of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction has more to do with being psychic than most people believe. Whatever you focus on with your words, thoughts, and emotions for an extended period of time, will manifest in your life. Words, thoughts, and emotions… is this not the world of imagination?

Yes it is! Everything we see around us was created as result of someone's imagination. For example would we have cars, radio, TV, cell phones, airplanes, or even a simple toaster, if someone didn't imagine these technologies could be possible? Could we have any modern technologies at all if someone didn't believe in their imagination strongly enough to take action and start converting their thoughts and ideas into reality?

What You Need To Do To Become Psychic.

So here's the question. If we can begin creating things using our words, thoughts, and imagination, can we become more sensitive to our psychic sixth sense and become psychic? With practice, would most of our psychic messages be more and more accurate? This is exactly the way psychics develop their abilities. It's not hard. It's just a matter of practice and belief that it is possible.

Modifying Your Current Belief System.

Psychics belief that their inner knowing is natural and 'real'. They don't talk in terms of lucky guesses, coincidence, or accidentally knowing something they shouldn't already know. They talk in terms of 'messages from spirit' or 'tapping into their psychic abilities' or other positive phrases. They constantly practice using their imagination.

They know there is meaning to their dreams, visions, pictures, sounds, and movies in their mind. They pay attention when they receive internal and external messages. They live in the present and are observant as to what's going on around them. They ask questions and they listen for answers from their 'inner voice'. And they make predictions based on what they see with their 'third eye'.

The Key To Becoming More Psychic.

If a psychic is correct they pat themselves on the back and say, 'Good job!'. And if they're wrong they understand that the more they practice, the more psychic they will become. A psychic's ability gets more reliable the more they practice and trust in their inner power.

You too can become psychic. In fact you are already psychic. It's just a matter of being more sensitive to the inner power you already have. Start by using your psychic tools. What are these tools? Imagination, intuition, instinct, gut feelings, hunches, guesses, and your innate psychic sixth sense that everyone has.

The more you practice making predictions and the more you trust the 'messages' you receive, the more psychic you will become. As you practice, you will be shocked and amazed as to how often your 'guesses' are correct. But there will be times when your inner guidance gives you incorrect information. Don't be discouraged. Don't focus on the times you were wrong. Only think about times when you were right. The more successes you have, the more you'll belief in your abilities. The more you practice using your psychic gifts, the more psychic you will become.

Liz Becker is a well known expert on spiritual topics and a freelance writer. View more spiritual articles and visit for more information on becoming psychic.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Quick Guide to Developing Your Own Psychic Abilities

Everyone is psychic. What a person can or cannot do is not an indication of your true abilities. However intuition is interesting. The more you listen to it the more feedback it will give you. Therefore, you really need to practice trusting your intuition, paying attention to the way your unconscious mind tells you information. For some it is a simple knowing in the quiet moments of meditation. For others it may be a gut feeling or a body sensation. The unconscious mind can use any of your senses to communicate; these include the five following senses.
  • Vision this involves isolated images or symbols you see or it can be more detailed images of clairvoyance or remote viewing.
  • Hearing also known as clairaudience, involves hearing words or sounds in one ear and not the other. This can be scary for those who are not familiar with it as hearing voices is traditionally a sign of insanity.
  • Touch is probably also considered clairsentience as it is a feeling intuition as physical body sensations.
  • Smell can also give psychic information whether simple or complex.
  • Taste although far less common than the other methods, it has been known for some psychics to get a taste in their mouths when interpreting psychic information.
There are many ways you can practice using your intuition. Some are listed below.
  • Traffic: If you live in a city with frequent traffic reports try to guess which roads are bad and why. This works even better if you have two routes to get home, each with an equal chance of having delays. You can guess which roads to use to get home faster, and then listen to the traffic report. It is not helpful if one road is always bad, because then logic takes over.
  • Shopping: Without checking the adverts try to guess what you are going to pay for something and where the best place to buy it is. Afterwards check out the facts.
  • Parking: Try to let your intuition guide you to the best parking space. This is particularly useful during the holiday season.
  • Telephone: See if you know is on the telephone before you pick it up.
  • Sports: Without knowing anything about the game or the teams try to guess who will win and what the scores will be. Then check out the results.

The trick is to find something you care about, or something you cannot know for sure based on past knowledge and experience and you can get feedback on. Then pay attention to the difference in feelings between that which proved to be right and that which proved to be wrong. Take notice if you have ignored your intuition and see if you later regret not acting upon it, be aware of how that information came to you so that next time it happens, you do not ignore it.

Learn to listen to feedback from your body on the psychic hits you get. One of the best psychic development techniques is learning to tell when you are getting information that is right or wrong.

Work on issues you hear all the time that you rarely act upon. You have to work on your psychological baggage; I cannot emphasize this enough! All information is accessed and processed through the unconscious mind. If you have issues and you do not want to look at them you will find that the psychic information you receive will be distorted. Many people have found they are blocked by the spirit realm because they are unwilling to tackle their own issues.

The more you trust your intuition, the more information you will receive. This knowing will become more and more definite and you will want to pass this information on. If you believe you have information for someone, be ethical. There are stories of many psychics who have been said to loose their powers because they abuse their gift. It is impossible to say how true this is, however, if you do not lose your abilities, you certainly run the risk of other difficulties.

Always get a persons permission before you give out information as without their permission you could place yourself in big trouble and in extreme cases criminal prosecution. Be ethical, be considerate. Always ask for permission before you give out information to someone.

Never promise what you can not deliver, whether it is a sure-fire investment or the spirit of someone''s long lost grandfather. Honesty is the best policy in this line of work. Remember, everyone has days off and it is no different for psychics, you need to break away for a day to recharge your energy levels.
Key points to remember

If you find yourself wondering if you are crazy, it probably means you are sane. People having an initial psychic opening often start their conversations with lines like "you are going to think I am crazy but" or "you are never going to believe me but". The mere fact that you doubt you own sanity is a reassuring sign that you are still in touch with reality, you are simply trying to figure it out.

The issue is not whether you are hearing voices, but what those voices are saying. There is a rule, "if the voices are helping you then it does not matter", whether those voices are a part of your unconscious mind or spirits, it is alright to have them around. However, if the comments are destructive, negative or hurting you, then it is time to lose the source they coming from.

The hard thing you need to learn is what not to say. You can receive a lot of information that is better left unsaid. This is probably the most difficult thing to learn, because it requires good judgment which sometimes only comes with time and practice. Some psychics claim they say everything that comes to them. In these cases I suspect their guides are trying to filter the information before it gets to their mouths. However, for most of you it is wise to consider what might be helpful (if you can word it right) and what would only be harmful, whether true or false.

It is important to live in the present. You may be vividly aware of past lives and you may be able to slide mentally into the future. However, you are living in the present and that is where you need to focus. Most people forget their past lives for a reason; they have past and that is where they belong. The future will take care of itself if you remember to focus on the present without being pulled off balance by the past.

When you first start receiving information or seeing spirit it is very hard to switch it off, however, this is something you must do. It is common when you first start to open up as a psychic, that you will see colors or images (especially faces) at night. This is partly because of the normal shift in consciousness that occurs as you fall to sleep or are waking as it increases the ability to sense things. To some extent, this is normal.

As you begin to trust your intuition and the information you receive you will find it hard to switch off. Turning off your psychic gift is something you have to do or you will suffer from information overload.

Imagine your sensitivity to psychic information as a number on a control screen in your mind. Then visualize that number going down, decreasing until you are no longer aware of psychic information. In the morning you can always reverse the process and return the number back to where it was before. ~

Lynn Claridge is a psychic clairvoyant and has written a book on Developing Psychic Ability . She specializes in psychic development through meditation and the understanding of your inner-self. Lynn''s book is available from

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