Sunday, December 20, 2009

Revealing Your Psychic Secrets

Have you ever wondered how to develop or increase your natural psychic talents? Maybe you’ve never considered yourself psychic in any manner whatsoever? Or you may not know what being psychic actually means.

Everybody is Psychic

The term is defined in The Macquarie Dictionary, 2nd Revision as "pertaining to super- or extra-sensory mental functioning, such as clairvoyance, telepathy". Science has now explored the brain enough to find out just how little we actually know about how our brain works. We know for example that humans only use a very small percentage of their brains. Exactly what goes on in the remaining parts of our brain has not yet been scientifically proven.

Scientific Research

Neuroscientists have shown that most logical, analytical activity occurs in the top 1/4 inch of brain skin called the association cortex. Somewhere deeper in the brain, our undeveloped psychic abilities reside, away from the logic and analytical function areas.

Recent brain research suggesting that a key psychic centre is the Limbic System, located deep towards the centre of the frontal lobe. This area is also associated with states of ecstasy and depression, pain, taste and smell. It’s more advanced and larger in humans and other mammals such as apes, cats, dogs and horses than most other animals such as reptiles. This area is electrically active when a person is scientifically tested for psychic ability or in an altered state of consciousness, for example sleep or meditation.

All humans and some animals have this brain structure and therefore, all humans and some animals have the potential for psychic ability. Why then do some people seem more psychic than others if we all come with the same psychic hard wiring?

Very simplistically, the brain computer is programmed for psychic ability but not all programs are switched on and running efficiently.

How many times have you known who was on the phone before it rang or you said "I was just thinking about you". How many mothers are aware when their child at school is hurt?

Little psychic events happen often, to some people almost every day, and occasionally to others. Why don’t these psychic experiences happen every day for everybody? I think they do happen for everybody, but go largely unnoticed in the hurly burly of modern everyday life, or they’re explained away as being mere coincidence.

If our computers are full of useless information, then it becomes more and more difficult to find the useful information we actually want. There are so many other files and programs to look through before we find what we are looking for. In order to access our psychic ability, we need to look through mountains of files or programs, or both, so we can then cull them and clean out what is going on in our heads.

Developing Your Psychic Talents

We need to pay close attention to what actually goes on in our minds. Our minds often require psychic housekeeping. Many of us do some form of housekeeping every day in our homes, how much more important is it to look after our minds in a similar fashion? We wouldn’t leave piles of dirty dishes lying around day after day, (well most of us wouldn’t). We can similarly clean up the dirty dishes of our minds and throw out those left over scraps and bits and pieces that no longer serve us. We can release the useless redundant programs that have been inculcated into our brains by external energy sources such as society, popular culture, authority figures, peer groups and even our loved ones.

We can begin to learn and distinguish what energy actually belongs to us and what energy belongs to someone else. If you feel down, ask the question "who does this belong to"? Then listen and wait to see what happens next. You may perceive an intuitive flash or psychic insight in the form of a visual picture. This is termed clairvoyance which means "clear sight". Sometimes, an audible word will come and this is called clairaudience or "clear hearing". Other times, our intuition can work through our imagination, giving us a flight of fantasy - a little story going on in our heads.

There are many ways to know something psychically. Our bodies may get a sensation in the stomach or chest area for example. This is called clairsentience or "clear feeling". Sometimes, you may just have a knowing which is similar to knowing that you are about to take the next breath.

If you sense an energy which doesn’t belong to you, tell it to return to its original source. Tell the energy with confidence and authority because you are human and you have the power to command spiritual energies. Know your power to command what goes on in your own head! As you become clearer you will perceive psychic energies with greater ease and you will pick up on what is happening in other people’s lives as well. Your mind gradually becomes a blank screen that you can read.

When you have a psychic flash it is clearly apparent that this is a psychic experience and it doesn’t get lost amongst all the other stuff that living a modern life entails.

We need not allow other peoples’ energies, whether they’re individual or global, to run and control our lives, dimming our psychic talents. Something I like to do every day when I burn incense is a little meditation I call "Universal Expansion".

Firstly, while lighting incense, I say aloud, "I release all foreign and alien energies from myself, my partner, my children/pets, this house, this town, this state and country, the earth, solar system and throughout all universes, dimensions and realities". While I say this, I visualize myself spreading outside the confines of my body, touching my partner, children, spreading throughout the town where I live, expanding out further and further throughout Australia. I see my energy travelling across the oceans, touching other countries, enveloping the entire earth, growing larger and larger through our solar system and universe and beyond to all universes.

My energy fills all the spaces where the foreign energies resided before I released them. I do this very quickly, usually within 1 minute. This way I don’t have the
excuse to say, "I don’t have time". We always have time to be our true selves, and that is infinite beings which exist beyond time and space. When we realize this fully, we also realize that the energy of others cannot diminish us and we can allow our true psychic self to shine. ~

Rose Smith, BA, DRM, ATMS is a psychic entrepreneur with a background in counseling, healing and teaching. She is also the founder of Absolute Soul Secrets Master Psychics, an Australian network of professional telephone psychics. Visit for more information.

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