You are psychic. You can use your psychic awareness to improve your daily life and you can share your psychic gift by helping others! How do I begin?
Tip #1
Connect to Intention. Dr Wayne Dyer is a great inspiration to me. I love his book, "The Power of Intention". Through intention, I created an affirmation that I suggest you write down on a 3 X 5 card and read upon rising in the morning and before going to sleep at night to imprint this goal into the unconscious part of your mind. The affirmation is "Every day, I am becoming more and more psychic".
Tip #2
You have to believe that you are psychic. When I first began psychic reading, I wondered if I was making up the information for my clients. I thought that perhaps I had a wild imagination! Fear would creep in for me because I wanted to get it right. Internally I felt paralyzed when I shared the things I was seeing, hearing, feeling. I focused on accessing the quality of TRUST. I connected to the small quite voice within that said "Joanna, it's okay, give the information and all will turn out well." When I heard the other voice "You're making it up. Don't say it, you'll look stupid!"
Tip #3
PRACTISE! PRACTISE! PRACTISE! The way I overcame my fear was to keep psychic reading. After each reading, I received confirmation that the information was correct. The more I read, the more confident I became and so now over 1,000 psychic readings later, I still hear the voice of doubt inside however the voice of trust is more strongly developed inside me. I acknowledge the voice of doubt and I do not follow its instruction. Do not give up, the psychic pathway is a rich and rewarding experience!
Tip #4
Open your heart and your mind to being a receiver. Visualize the top of your head as a "radio antennae" that can pick up psychic transmissions through the airwaves. Radio waves are invisible to the human eye yet we know they exist or how would we hear people and music on the radio? Let your senses pick up on the unseen energies that exist around you.
Tip #5
Breathe! I cannot stress this enough. As you awaken your psychic senses, you will notice that you become more sensitive. You may experience these feelings because your mind, body and soul will be attracting more energy than it is used to feeling. By the simple action of deep focused breaths, you will clear any excess energy enabling you to remain calm and centered.
Tip #6
Meditation! I do some form of meditation every day. You may like to try a guided meditation CD to help you focus. Many of my clients have told me that they find it hard to sit, be still and meditate, too many thoughts arise for them and they feel bad that they cannot be perfect at meditation. There is no such thing as a perfect meditation! You could try "Soul Abundance" my guided meditation CD. It takes you on a powerful inner journey through visualization that will definitely heighten your psychic senses!
Tip #7
Listen! Do you notice how much inner chatter is constantly active inside your head? Are you aware of the thoughts you are having? I suggest you practice active listening. It is amazing how this simple action brings your focus inwards. As you hear your thoughts, observe them, do not judge. You will be able to assess how positive or negative your thoughts are and that you can have positive and negative occur simultaneously. This exercise will better prepare you for clairaudience, known as the ability of psychic listening.
Tip #8
Focus! Do you find yourself easily distracted? Are you fully conscious and aware in your environment right now? Focus upon being present in your environment. Observe what surrounds you. Listen to the multitude of sounds. Feel how the air touches your skin. Close your eyes for a moment and watch from an inner stance the activity that is occurring within you. With this knowledge, your psychic ability will strengthen!
Tip #9
Tone "Om" several times or sing your favorite songs in the shower. This is an excellent way to clear the body of any blocked energy. Not only does it open the throat chakra for psychic reading, you will fine tune your energy field in preparation for receiving psychic information effortlessly from your guides!
Tip #10
Exercise! The more psychic you become, the more energy is channeled through your body. Yoga is a wonderful way to release any blockages from your mind, body and soul. When I started the practice of yoga, it opened my third eye, the space between my eyebrows to clairvoyance meaning to see things psychically. I would see colors dancing in my inner vision. It was amazing! You can do it to! ~
Madame Figaro Magazine chose Joanna Garzilli as "The psychic to see in Los Angeles". She has given over 1,000 successful psychic readings including celebrity Goldie Hawn. Joanna shares her insider psychic secrets in "Synchronicity News" a FREE bi-monthly ezine. Learn more
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