Psychic readers have the ability to use a large part of their mind and spirit to sense energy. This increased ability to perceive naturally allows them to have a greater awareness of circumstances. It is an increase in perception. The sensing of positive and negative energy is a very useful skill to have in life. Getting a reading is great, but it is also great if you can become your own psychic reader.
Famous psychics over the centuries have shown us the way. Edgar Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet, even said that someday all people we be able to vision and perform readings like him. Evolution is constantly unfolding.
We can grow our psychic reading skills. These days there is much help available in the form of associations, blogs, psychic development circles, and people who are already far on the psychic path. Here are some tips if you wish to become your own psychic reader.
1. Lifestyle Factors. Famous psychics like Edgar Cayce have given us many clues on lifestyle. The way we live our lives creates an auric resonance that we carry with us. This auric field is pure energy. Living a good life, assisting our fellow man, and viewing Christ as a beautiful lifestyle to follow are wonderful aids. This firm foundation is essential for psychics because as they are given more gifts they need to be able to handle more and more energy in a positive way.
2. Decide. If some of the psychic personal development appeals to you why not get involved with improving yourself? Each of us has the universal life force inside of us wanting to express itself. Inner growth leads to outer growth.
3. Visualization. The image making powers of the mind are truly wonderful. Psychic information often comes through in the form of images and mental pictures. By conscious use of visualization we develop this faculty of the mind as it gets some practice. When a reading is performed it will be there to serve us.
4. Imagination. Imagination is essential to become a psychic reader. When seeking guidance from a higher power it is used to view the highest good for all. It is a blessing to assist someone suffering in real life then use the imagination to view them with a vibrant and happy lifestyle. It does much good for the person suffering. This is where our mind use of imagination comes into play.
5. Divine Intelligence. The divine intelligence, or higher forces, is always available to assist those who work for the highest good of all. Ask for guidance if you wish. Keep it positive and pray. The results might surprise you.
6. Live it. Now that you have made up your mind to become your own psychic reader begin to, step by step, put your psychic development plan into action. If you have enrolled in a meditation course go and do it, if you have said to yourself you will only associate with people of certain good qualities go and do it. These positive actions start to build a wave of positive energy. This energy then goes forward into your life.
7. Fun. Have lots of fun. Sing, dance, feel the joy of living. Becoming your own psychic reader is enjoyable and fun. You are developing more of your mind and soul, and the universal higher intelligence celebrates in this fact. ~
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