Are biblical prophets relegated to the annals of history? Some religous zealots would say absolutely. However, modern psychics have much in common with the prophets of the bible. Even diehard religious zealots have to admit that biblical prophets had the ability to see the future through dreams, visions, and the revelations of angels. So, why is it incredulous or blasphemous to believe that this phenomenon occurs, in modern day society?
Has the God of the old and new testament forsaken us? After all he did give us his only begotten son Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Indeed even after his son was sacrificed for our sins he granted us the great comforter. Because even after his death and resurrection on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came in his stead to impart gifts of the spirit including revelation and prophecy to his faithful followers.
Even in the book of revelations it speaks of prophets that come to warn of the second coming. Still our religious leaders refuse to believe that the prophecy and gifts of the spirit exist. Instead they choose to deny the Holy Spirit and the biblical gifts promised by our holy father. It would seem the true followers of god have been relegated to the fringes of Judeo-Christian philosophy.
Instead of spirituality and the gifts of the spirit we have chosen to worship the almighty dollar. In God we trust? Hardly! It is more like in the all seeing eye of Nimrod we trust! I really think a deeper evaluation of our true motifs as Jews and Christians is in order. It is better that we bring our house in order before God lets forth his angels onto this earth to set his house in order!
Gifts of the spirit should be acknowledged and received, as blessings, by all that believe. Is it coincidence that the leaves change color in the fall or that the flowers bloom in the spring? We see miracles on a daily basis but still live in denial of our true purpose on this planet. To serve and worship our creator.
God has a purpose for every one on this planet and every celestial being above and below. God after all created the angels and the Devil. Omnipotence dictates that god knows what we will do before we do. So, to deny or try to empirically quantify Gods existence or the existence of his spiritual gifts is the real blasphemy.
If we could use science to predict the future with high statistical probability would that not be fortune telling and a form of blasphemy? No glory is given to God as we forecast or prophesize the weather. So would that not constitute a type of idolatry? Should weather forecasters wear little horns and carry pitchforks?
Evidently when prophecy is backed by scientific fact it is religiously and biblically acceptable but when there is no way to substantiate a prophecy or vision given by God it is blasphemy. Somehow this ideology seems backwards.
So, before you bash the next psychic or prophet you see, just think about how truly blessed you are to see another sunrise. Be thankful for the small gifts God has given to you in your life. Instead of being jealous and hating on a prophet of God try embracing the true teachings of the Bible, like the golden rule. ~
Fred Gimino owns and opperates the Free Psychic Network. His site provides advice and insight in the hopes that people may live happier more satisfying lives. Content including psychic readings oracles in genres like Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, And Horoscopes may be accessed on and through his site. Why not talk with a live psychic today?
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